Cabin construction timelapse

Spring through Summer, 2010, our cabin in the mountains was built. This movie is a compilation of about 12,000 images taken at 5 minute intervals (minus the periods where our contractor was not working on the cabin). The bottom portion of the movie displays a 4 hour sliding window of Outdoor Temperature (red) and Dew Point (blue) corresponding to the time the image was taken. The site is off-grid, so I hacked together a solar (photovoltaic) power system to supply a computer and weather station with power. To save energy, the computer was modified with a simple custom circuit enabling it to remain on only when there was sunlight available. Hardware included an Asus EEEpc, Logitec webcam and La Crosse weather station. Power is from a Kyrocera 135W solar panel and an Optima Yellow Top sealed gel-cell battery.

Still photos of the weather station construction are available on picasa, here:

The software I wrote to collect the image and weather data, and to compile the images into a timelapse movie, is available on BitBucket

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