facing eviction? Tx

If you are facing eviction or struggling to pay rent in Travis County, Texas, you can find assistance through various programs, including the "I Belong in Austin" rental assistance program, the Housing Authority of Travis County (HATC), and organizations like Texas RioGrande Legal Aid and Volunteer Legal Services
Here's a breakdown of resources and programs:
1. "I Belong in Austin" Rental Assistance Program:
  • Focus: Provides financial assistance with rent, moving, storage, and relocation costs for tenants at risk of eviction, prioritizing applicants at or below 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI). 
  • Administration: Administered by El Buen Samaritano, working with the City, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (TRLA), Texas Legal Services Center (TLSC), and Volunteer Legal Services (VLS). 
  • Funding: The program received $3.6 million in funding for the 2024-2025 budget. 
  • How to Apply: Residents can apply online, in person at El Buen Samaritano (7000 Woodhue Drive, Austin, TX, 78745), or by phone (737-214-7406). 
  • Lottery System: Recipients are chosen using a lottery system to ensure equitable access. 
2. Housing Authority of Travis County (HATC):
  • Programs:
    HATC administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP), which helps very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled find affordable housing.
  • Services:
    Provides vouchers and resources to help people secure stable housing and support services.
  • Emergency Housing:
    Please note that HATC does not offer emergency housing or one-time rental assistance to the general public.
  • Website:
3. Other Resources:
  • Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (TRLA):
    Provides legal representation and assistance with housing problems. 
    • Phone: (800) 369-9270. 
  • Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas (VLS):
    Offers legal services and support for low-income individuals facing eviction. 
  • Texas Eviction Diversion Program (TEDP):
    This program, which ran from 2021-2023, helped low-income tenants facing eviction remain in their homes by providing rent and utility assistance. 
  • Eviction Protection Grant Program (EPGP):
    A federal program designed to expand the reach of legal services to low-income tenants at risk of eviction. 
  • Texas Law Help:
    Provides information and resources on eviction protections and rent assistance. 
  • Austin 2-1-1:
    Connects people with local resources, including rental assistance. 
    • Phone: 211 or 877-541-7905. 
    • Website: Texas 211 online. 
  • Trinity Center Austin:
    Provides utility and rent assistance to the community for financial emergencies. 
  • Catholic Charities of Central Texas:
    Offers assistance with rent and utilities. 
    • Phone: (512) 651-6100. 
  • Greater Mt. Zion Church:
    Community Assistance and Referral Center provides utility and rent assistance. 
    • Phone: (512)478-7578. 
    • Email: poverty@gmzaustin.org. 
    • Website: https://gmzaustin.org/causes/poverty/. 

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Read "Lutnick says Trump has agreed to eliminate income taxes for Americans making less than $150K" on SmartNews: https://l.smartnews.com/p-jJzP4p2/jE2QNb

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