Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore on Human Trafficking "Real Men Don't Buy G...
ET met up with Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore at the "Real Men Don't Buy Girls" launch party in NYC tonight and the couple were not shy in expressing their passion to fight child sex trafficking and give it an outlet."It's an issue that doesn't get a lot of attention in the press, doesn't get a lot of attention anywhere," Ashton said. "We felt like we could bring some attention to this issue and start the conversation."Ashton has already done so with his "Real Men Don't Buy Girls" viral ad campaign that's been picking up steam all over the internet thanks to help from their famous friends such as Ashton himself, Bradley Cooper, Justin Timberlake, Sean Penn and a host of others. The short videos depict "real men" doing daily activities to bring home the message that buying girls goes against the guy code.
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